Democrats wouldn’t have anything to do with Oklahoma U.S. Sen. James Lankford’s call this week to continue the country’s current sanctions targeting Iran’s oil industry, financial sector and supporters of terrorism. He introduced the Iran Sanctions Preservation Act to prevent President Biden from lifting sanctions on the Iranian regime. He proposed the Senate pass …
September 22, 2022 archive
Rep. Bice calls on more cooperation in weather forecasting
Oklahoma congresswoman Stephanie Bice used a House hearing this week to promote more collaboration and cooperation of federal agencies with the commercial weather industry and their use of satellites in weather forecasting. She spoke at a Space & Aeronautics and Environment Subcommittee Hearing titled, Looking Back to Predict the Future: The Next Generation of Weather Satellites. …
Kigali amendment to ban chemicals in refrigerators passes without Inhofe and Lankford support
Oklahoma Sens. Jim Inhofe and James Lankford voted this week against the ratification of an amendment to the U-N Montreal Protocol to phase down the use of hydrofluorocarbons. Referred to as the Kigali Amendment, the measure was passed Wednesday on a 69-27 vote. The amendment was to allow the U.S. to join an international …
Attorney General resumes open records seminars
Whether you’re wanting to learn more about state legislators and their political ties or just seeking information about oil and gas records, Oklahoma’s Open Records law is an important tool. Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor is partnering with the Oklahoma Press Association to host open records and open meetings seminars in five locations across the …
Cushing makes slight gain in crude oil in storage
While the war between Russia and Ukraine persists and continues affecting the world’s supply of petroleum, most of the U.S. crude supply depots saw slight gains in the amount of oil in storage. The Cushing hub in Oklahoma reported 25 million barrels of crude oil in storage as of Sept. 16, up from the …
Kansas construction company says Vietnam owes it $38 million
Stiffed by Vietnam to the tune of $38 million. It’s what Kansas construction company Hall Brothers Inc. claims after paving miles of highway in the country. It also wants the U.S. to help recover the unpaid funds reported Fox Business. Click here for Fox Business
Headlines of other energy stories
** Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg launched an $85 million campaign to block the planned construction of plastic and petrochemical plants across the U.S. on Wednesday, modeled on his decade-long effort to shutter coal plants. ** At least 154 Chinese scientists who worked on government-sponsored research at the U.S.’s foremost national security laboratory over the last …
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