Buoyed by expectations that OPEC will extend production cuts, oil prices continued to climb on Tuesday, according to Bloomberg MarketWatch. July West Texas Intermediate crude tacked on 34 cents, or 0.7%, to settle at $51.47 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange after taking over as a lead contract at Monday’s close. July Brent crude, …
May 23, 2017 archive
Completion Reports May 24, 2017
ALFALFA COUNTY Midstates Petroleum Company Llc 17 25N 12W Keltner 2512 1-17 Swd, March 06, 2017 SH, DISP, TD: 7167 ft Lat: 36.65164, Long: -98.51697 API: 35003231830001 BECKHAM COUNTY Atalaya Resources Llc Des Moines: Oil 509 Gas 2356 Water 1120 Flow 33 11N 21W Barnett 29/28-11-21 2h, April 11, 2017 HH, OIL, TD: 18286 …
Permits to Drill May 24, 2017
Beaver County BEASLEY #1-32, May 22 2017 32 6N 24E CNESE API: 00725153 Lat: 36.941423642083144, Long: -100.47927732544046 MARLIN OIL CORPORATION SH, RC, 6940 ft, CHEROKEE(5742) Blaine County DUNN #1R-15H, May 23 2017 22 16N 13W NWNWNWNE API: 01123806 Lat: 35.85495075083358, Long: -98.56909430727981 HIGHMARK ENERGY OPERATING LLC HH, DR, 16547 ft, MISSISSIPPIAN(11170), WOODFORD(11780), HUNTON(11875) Canadian …
NY Times Article Prompts Senator to Make Demand of EPA Chief
The New York Times article targeting Scott Pruitt, Devon Energy and Sen. James Lankford for their environmental efforts got the attention of the top Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Sen. Tom Carper, a Democrat from Delaware, sent a letter to Pruitt, the EPA Administrator wanting information about settlements between Devon Energy …
Pruitt Tells Congressional Coal Caucus “War on Coal is Over”
“The war on coal is over.” It’s what EPA Chief Scott Pruitt told the Congressional Coal Caucus on Monday as he met with members to discuss a Trump administration budget that cuts funding for environmental and climate protections. Pruitt told the lawmakers that energy generators would not have to choose between pro-energy and pro-growth. “This …
Lankford and Warren—–Lifting the Veil of Secrecy in Government
If Senators James Lankford and Elizabeth Warren get their way, the public will know every detail of legal environmental and enforcement settlements by federal agencies. Too often, some details of such settlements have to be uncovered either by snoopy reporters or environmentalists. In what some might describe as “The Odd Couple,” the Republican Lankford and …
Pruitt’s First 100 Days as Head of the EPA
As EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt observes 100 days in office, the national press has been exploring what he’s done to the giant agency. Those who believe deeply in climate change think he’s been a disaster. Others, such as Business Insider compared Pruitt’s first 100 days to those of other administrators of the Environmental Protection …
Gasoline Prices Hold Steady in Oklahoma
Oklahoma gasoline prices stayed nearly the same in the pas week, reaching an average of $2.10 a gallon, a penny jump, according to AAA Oklahoma. The $2.10 average is down 7 cents from one month ago. Tulsa’s average is $2.04, unchanged from last week. The average in Oklahoma City is $2.10, up a penny from …
How Red Dirt Music Star Was Tied to Oil Billionaire
Red dirt music star Jimmy LaFave died over the weekend in Austin, Texas. He was 61 and grew up in Stillwater where he got his start in music while in high school. What’s his connection to energy? He co-founded Music Road Records nine years ago with the help of Dallas oil billionaire Kelcy Warren, founder …
How Devon’s Larry Nichols Got Involved in State Budget Talks
Some clarification has been made regarding the weekend budget talks and how Devon Energy’s Larry Nichols became involved. The talks were behind closed doors and involved Democratic and Republican House and Senate leaders along with Gov. Mary Fallin. At one point, the governor put in a phone call to Nichols, chairman emeritus at Devon Energy …