BECKHAM COUNTY Atalaya Resources Llc Des Moines: Oil 191 Gas 1464 Water 1301 Flow 33 11N 21W Barnett 29/28-11-21 3h, April 11, 2017 HH, OIL, TD: 18110 ft Lat: 35.39088, Long: -99.43437 API: 35009219810001 BLAINE COUNTY Continental Resources Inc Mississippian(10161): Oil 794 Gas 1323 Water 1457 Flow 24 16N 11W Bernhardt 4-13h, February 28, …
May 24, 2017 archive
Permits to Drill May 25, 2017
Blaine County DEBBIE #1413 1H-3X, May 24 2017 11 14N 13W SESWSWSW API: 01123807 Lat: 35.697021974893204, Long: -98.55982384683746 NEWFIELD EXPLORATION MID-CON INC HH, DR, 23317 ft, MISSISSIPPIAN(11746), WOODFORD(13275) Canadian County ZUM MALLEN 1307 #2-21MHA, May 24 2017 21 13N 7W NWNENENE API: 01725016 Lat: 35.59419844901503, Long: -97.94266941044643 MARATHON OIL COMPANY HH, DR, 13958 ft, …
Blaine County’s Latest Large Well—–Interest Grows in Grady County
Blaine County in Oklahoma’s STACK turned out another 1,000-plus oil well according to completion reports shown on OK Energy Today. Houston-based Marathon Oil came up with the Calf Rope well located about 5 miles northeast of the city of Watonga. (1 16N 11W) Completion showed production of 1,385 barrels a day along with 2,152 Mcf …
State Legislator Targets Continental Resources in Fight Over Gross Production Tax
Chickasha Democratic Representative David Perryman thinks the cry of the oil and gas industry over raising the gross production tax is a case of “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” He used it to attack an Oklahoma City oilman and to plead for higher taxes on the industry. It’s what he claimed in a press release made …
State Supreme Court Rules Against Landowner in 6-year old Condemnation Case
An eastern Oklahoma landowner who thought his land was worth $419,000 has lost an appeal with the State Supreme Court in a fight over an underground natural gas reservoir. In a ruling earlier this month, the high court upheld a Haskell County judge’s ruling that awarded landowner Royce Larsen only $9,000 after his 80 acres …
Nebraska to Hold Another Public Hearing on Keystone XL Pipeline Route
Another public meeting about the Keystone XL pipeline route through Nebraska has been announced by the Nebraska Public Service Commission. It will be held June 7 from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. in O’Neill, Nebraska. The Commission will eventually decide whether to approve or disapprove the route. Public comment will be received on a first-come, …
Environmentalists Contend Government Provides $7 billion in Annual Subsidies to Oil and Gas Industry
Several anti oil and gas groups along with the environmental group Oil Change International are out with a report showing the U.S. government provides $7 billion a year in subsidies to support fossil fuel production on federally held lands and offshore waters. The report says the billions in aid comes through a combination of direct subsidies, enforcement …
Democrats Vow to Challenge So-Called “Change in Incentive” Rates for Oil and Gas
“You can call it what you want. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it’s a duck! And this is a revenue-raising measure.” Rep. Collin Walke. The State House this week voted to pass a gross production tax bill. House Bill 2449 passed on a 54-44 vote while Republicans said it …