CADDO COUNTY Excalibur Resources Llc Marchand(9950): Oil 787 Gas 890 Water 884 Flow 29 11N 12W Ruckman 2h-20, November 08, 2016 HH, OIL, TD: 15101 ft Lat: 35.40516, Long: -98.49404 API: 35015232700001 CANADIAN COUNTY Cimarex Energy Co Woodford(12475): Oil 117 Gas 2858 Water 1741 Flow 24 11N 9W Meiwes 1-25h, February 19, 2017 HH, …
May 2, 2017 archive
Permits to Drill May 3, 2017
Caddo County MCDONALD #1H-3526X, May 02 2017 02 10N 9W N2NENENE API: 01523280 Lat: 35.37686828223786, Long: -98.11454643086508 CIMAREX ENERGY CO HH, DR, 23614 ft, MISS’AN (EX CHESTER)(12646), WOODFORD(12974), HUNTON(13135) Caddo County CREWMAN #1-30, May 02 2017 30 9N 9W SENWNESE API: 01523279 Lat: 35.22390307225284, Long: -98.18618412652481 KIRKPATRICK OIL COMPANY INC SH, DR, 10420 ft, …
Oklahoma Energy Index Moves Higher Again
With increased employment in the oil and gas sector in the state, the Oklahoma Energy Index has moved higher marking the eighth month i the last 10 that industry activity has grown. “The industry improvement shown in eight of the last 10 months is a sign for optimism,” said Chris Mostek, senior vice president of …
Cimarex Energy Reports 6 New Wells in the STACK
Oklahoma’s STACK has been kind to Cimarex Energy Company. The Denver, Colorado exploration company reported six wells completed and producing in Blaine and Canadian Counties, two of the counties that make up the brunt of the STACK oil play. The three wells in Blaine county were the largest with the Holieway producing 851 barrels of oil …
Pruitt Hit With Another Letter From Democratic Senators
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s decision to back out of being a speaker at an Oklahoma Republican party fundraiser now has Democrats on a U.S. Senate Committee wanting to know more about it. After all, it was their letter and complaint that he had violated the Hatch Act which prompted the former Oklahoma Attorney General to pull …
Former Chaparral Energy President Gets Company Plane and $3 million Cash
In an amended annual report filed May 1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Oklahoma City-based Chaparral Energy revealed more of its financial transactions following its emergence from Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The SEC report showed the federal Bankruptcy court approved a retirement agreement with former Chairman and CEO Mark A. Fischer. While his base salary …
House Sponsors of Some Energy Bills Reject Senate Amendments
One after another, numerous bills in the State House this week were sent to conference committees because sponsors didn’t like the way they had been handled or amended in the Senate. Some pertained to the energy industry in the state while others focused on 4-day class weeks in schools or the death penalty. ‘I feel …
Chaparral Energy to Focus on STACK Assets in 2017
Oklahoma City-based Chaparral Energy, Inc. has announced its strategy for the year and a decision to start exploring strategic alternatives for the company’s Enhanced Oil Recovery assets. “Chaparral is committed to increasing value for its shareholders,” said Earl Reynolds, Chief Executive Officer. “During the remainder of 2017 we will be pursuing strategic alternatives for …
Gasoline Prices Drop 5 Cents a Gallon in Oklahoma, Reaching $2.10 Average
Gasoline prices continue dropping in Oklahoma, reaching a new statewide average this week of $2.10 according to a weekly release from AAA Oklahoma. The organization reports gasoline prices in the state have fallen 5 cents over the past seven days and they are down a dime from the 2017 high of $2.20 recorded on …
OCC Directives Might Have Cut Earthquake Numbers in Half
The new earthquake directives implemented last fall by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission appear to be working. Figures from the U.S. Geological Survey indicate the number of 3.0 magnitude or higher earthquakes in April 2017 totaled 29 compared to 60 recorded in April 2016. The directives were put into effect in September 2016 following a 5.8 …
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