Crude prices fell in Thursday’s trading, slipping 2% in the U.S. and 1% overseas. Prices had soared to 10-month highs and traders took profits. West Texas Intermediate crude dropped $1.97 or 2.1% to settle at $91.71 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. It was Wednesday when prices gained 2%. During Thursday’s trading, …
September 28, 2023 archive
Lankford—medical marijuana sparked foreign land ownership in Oklahoma
Oklahoma U.S. Sen. James Lankford blames, in part, Oklahoma’s passage of medical marijuana for a jump in foreign ownership of farmland in the state. It’s what he indicated as he spoke at the start of a Senate hearing and campaigned for his Security and Oversight of Inmternational Landholdings Act. “Oklahoma is now number eight …
Strategic oil reserve at lowest levels in decades
The criticism heaped on the Biden administration by Oklahoma members of Congress might only be simmering when it comes to the national Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Or about to bubble over. Sen. Markwayne Mullin led some of the criticism earlier in the year when the President sold oil stocks in an effort to lower gasoline …
Southern Oklahoma oil drilling linked to earthquakes near Duncan
Earthquakes believed to be caused by oil well drilling and fracking operations caused earthquakes in the past several days in southern Oklahoma. The strongest quake measured 3.7 magnitude near Duncan according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Its epicenter was located between Duncan and Velma-Alma in Stephens County. It was felt by residents around …
Recapturing natural gas in the Permian Basin
The technological efforts of three major oil and gas producers in New Mexico’s side of the Permian Basin are expected to go a long way in reducing the amount of flaring of natural gas. The New Mexico Oil Conservation Division is closely monitoring the testing of the new process to keep natural gas in …
Biden uses veto pen to protect bats and chickens in Oklahoma
Those efforts by Oklahoma U.S. Sens. Markwayne Mullin and James Lankford to fight the endangered species protections forthe long-eared bat in eastern Oklahoma and the lesser prairiei-chicken in the western counties were shut down this week by the White House. President Biden pulled out his veto pen and killed their legislation, saying each of …
Haley and DeSantis argued over fracking
In case you missed it amidst all of the bickering and interruptions by the candidates during the Wednesday night televised debate by 7 Republican presidential hopefuls, two of them, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley argued over fracking. “What you don’t need is a president who is against energy …
Southwest New Mexico to be site of lithium development project
As lithium development moves ahead in southern Arkansas, site of the Smackover Formation, it is also progressing in New Mexico. That’s where Canadian Company, Lancaster Resources Inc. has submitted applications to the State of New Mexico Energy, Mines, and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to drill up to three …
North Dakota reaches all time high natural gas production
North Dakota, where Oklahoma-based oil and gas companies have major operations, had a new all-time high production of natural gas in July. Lynn Helms, the director of the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources recently announced the state had production of 3,289,759 million cubic feet a day or 101,982,539 Mcf of natural gas. The …
Senator Mullin accuses Biden of climate hysteria
President Biden’s climate hysteria is a gift to Russian President Vladimir Putin. It’s what Oklahoma U.S. Sen. Markwayne Mullin says who believes the U.S. and Ukraine would be better off by restoring American energy independence and at the same time increasing exports to other countries. “Biden’s emotional tugs of climate hysteria have emboldened our …
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