The expansion of Russia’s war against Ukraine prompted crude oil prices on Friday to soar to nearly $116 a barrel while the global benchmark in London hit $118. Some Oklahoma energy stocks also made sky-high gains. West Texas Intermediate crude for April delivery went up $8.01 on Friday and settled at $115.68 a barrel …
March 6, 2022 archive
Attorney General accused of being a “spectator” in OGE bond case
Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor is being accused of neglect of duty for not standing up for ratepayers in the growing Supreme Court legal case involving OG&E’s nearly $800 million storm recovery effort involving ratepayer backed bonds. Former legislator Porter Davis, who previously had filed a protest with the Supreme Court after the Oklahoma …
Lankford accuses Biden administration of stalling energy production
Senator James Lankford (R-OK) went to bat for American energy producers against federal regulators on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission who Lankford says are part of the Biden Administration’s effort to further stall—and stop—American energy production and American energy independence at the same moment Russia is using its energy production as a weapon. Lankford questioned witnesses …