** Researchers may have found a way to reduce the environmental impact of air travel in situations when electric aircraft and alternative fuels aren’t practical. Wired reports that Oxford University scientists have successfully turned CO2 into jet fuel, raising the possibility of conventionally-powered aircraft with net zero emissions.
** Iran has slashed the amount of natural gas it exports to Iraq and threatened further cutbacks over unpaid bills, increasing the likelihood of more electricity shortages in Baghdad and other major cities according to a report by Bloomberg.
** China’s crude oil imports from the U.S. soared 13 fold in November from a year earlier to the third highest on record, customs data showed on Dec. 25, as companies accelerated energy purchases set out under a trade deal with Washington according to Hart Energy.
** Minnesota Power customers are now receiving half of their energy from renewable sources as the company becomes the first Minnesota utility to deliver 50% renewable energy to customers reported T&D World.
** Southwest Airlines will drop wage cut demands and rescind furlough notices after President Donald Trump signed the $900 billion economic stimulus bill that included $15 billion in aid for airlines, the company said in a letter to employees Sunday evening according to the Dallas Morning News.