Austin, Texas is giving Tulsa, Oklahoma serious run as the two cities vie to land a new Tesla truck manufacturing plant. One report indicates Tesla might have already decided to side with Austin. A report indicated that Tesla could get more than $60 million in tax breaks if it chooses a site in Austin. …
June 19, 2020 archive
Crude approaches $40 a barrel in the US
Crude oil futures settled at nearly $42 a barrel overseas on Friday while in the US, prices were just under the $40 mark. West Texas Intermediate July futures were up 91 cents or 2.3% in trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange and finished at $39.75 a barrel. Brent August crude rose 40 …
Energy news in brief
** Keystone XL pipeline developer TC Energy Corp. is joining calls for the Supreme Court to block an order temporarily preventing the use of a water-crossing permitting program for new oil and gas pipelines. ** Concho Resources Inc. will host a conference call on Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 8:00 AM CT (9:00 AM ET) to …
American burying beetle and judge interrupt Nebraska power line project
The American burying beetle came out the winner this week when a judge in Nebraska issued a ruling in protection of the insect and against a major electrical transmission line in the state’s Sand Hills. U.S. District Judge William Martinez revoked a federal permit that would have allowed the Nebraska Public Power District to kill …
Oil and gas rig numbers fall in Oklahoma and the US
The oil and gas rig count dropped even more in Oklahoma and the rest of the U.S. in the past week with only 9 rigs drilling in the state. It means more drilling rigs are in storage as the oil and gas industry awaits a turnaround in activity following depressed numbers caused by the …
Small oil refineries seek EPA waivers from biofuels mandates
Oil refineries have filed 52 new, so-called gap year petitions to EPA seeking economic hardship designations from the Renewable Fuel Standard for years going back to 2011. The retroactive petitions mark an effort by companies to make them eligible to receive waivers freeing them from current biofuel blending requirements. EPA’s small refinery exemption dashboard was …
Houston energy company hit with criminal charges in Pennsylvania
Criminal environmental charges have been filed by the Pennsylvania attorney general against Houston-based Cabot Oil and Gas over allegations of methane gas contamination caused by drilling in the state. More than a decade after a water well exploded in the rural Northeast Pennsylvania town of Dimock, setting off a series of events that would plunge the …
Exxon suffers legal setback at hands of Texas Appeals court
A Texas Appellate Court handed ExxonMobil its latest legal setback—a ruling in the energy company’s fight against California cities and counties that sued to recover damages from climate change. The three justices of the Second Appellate District of Texas set aside a lower court ruling that would have allowed Exxon to dig …
Gas explosion leaves 4 hurt in Arkansas
Four people are recovering after being burned in a Thursday gas explosion in Maumelle, Arkansas. It happened shortly before 1 p.m. while workers were repairing a gas line at Edgewood Drive and Woodland Drive, the Maumelle Fire Department said in a Facebook post, according to KATV. The intersection is near a municipal complex that …
Roan Resources is busy in Canadian and Grady Counties
Recent completion reports show Roan Resources has been busy in Grady and Canadian Counties with four producers from a single pad west of Union City. The four wells were drilled a 32 11N 8W with combined production of 763 barrels of oil a day. The wells had production of 225, 161, 240 and 137 …