A sluggish oil market is being blamed in part for a Texas company to announce the closing of 29 Dairy Queen Stores in Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma. In Texas, the DQ sign is called the “Texas Stop Sign” but Irving-based Vasari LLC said the oil market plus the financial effects of Hurricane Harvey have …
November 3, 2017 archive
Tax Reform Bill Includes Help for Oil and Gas But Could Harm Wind Farm Developments
The way some experts look at the tax reform measure introduced in the U.S. House is that oil and natural gas companies might get a better deal than solar companies and buyers of electric cars. Tax rates for most corporations will be cut nearly in half and under the bill, shale drillers and solar panel …
Devon Energy Pushes Ahead With Big Divestiture Plans
Robust oil production helped Oklahoma City-based Devon Energy add $776 million to its operating cash flow but the company is moving ahead with plans to unload billions of dollars in assets in the coming year. CEO Dave Hager says they’re looking for higher returns for shareholders as they push to meeting a $1 billion …
Survey Finds Energy Industry is Driving Oklahoma’s Robust Economy
The economy for Oklahoma and 8 other states that make up the Mid-America Business Conditions Index was so strong in October that it scares economist Ernie Goss. And energy is getting the credit in Oklahoma. “It was a good report but some worries. We economists worry when things become so strong,” said the economics professor …
Oklahoma’s Horizontal-Vertical Drilling Fight Gets National Attention
Oklahoma’s contentious fight between horizontal drillers and those who operate older vertical oil wells is becoming more and more in the political spotlight as well as drawing national attention. First came news that the Oklahoma Energy Producers Alliance, the newly-formed group of vertical well operators planned to launch a petition drive for a vote of …
State Moves to Reduce Wastewater Disposal Well Operations Following Quake Swarm in Kingfisher County
The State Corporation Commission took action Thursday to reduce operations of two Arbuckle wastewater disposal wells in the area of a recent earthquake swarm in Kingfisher County. Matt Skinner, a spokesman for the Commission indicated the wells were under a directive to reduce volumes by 25 percent, on top of a 40 percent reduction imposed …
Controversial House Science Committee Chairman Won’t Seek Re-Election
Oklahoma Congressman Frank Lucas and others on the U.S. House Science Committee will find themselves with a new chairman in the coming year. Chairman, Rep. Lamar Smith, a Republican from Texas has announced he will not seek re-election and will leave Congress when his term ends in 2018. The 16-term Congressman has been considered something …
Landowner Sues Over Dakota Access Pipeline in South Dakota
Updating the controversial Dakota Access pipeline in South Dakota where dozens of Oklahomans once took part in the protests, one farm family has filed suit claiming the company broke its promise to restore its land after construction. The Slack Family Properties LLC filed suit in South Dakota state court this week and it’s believed to …