BLAINE COUNTY Continental Resources Inc Mississippian(0): Oil 2345 Gas 5966 Water 1363 Flow 23 16N 10W Verona 1-23-14xh, May 03, 2016 HH, OIL, TD: 19997 ft Lat: 35.84174, Long: -98.24171 API: 35011235460000 Devon Energy Production Co Lp Mississippian(8982): Oil 287 Gas 635 Water 1036 Flow 1 16N 11W Three Sisters 31 1ah, April 23, 2016 …
June 3, 2016 archive
Permits to Drill June 6, 2016
Alfalfa County LOIS 16-25-12 #1H, June 02 2016 16 25N 12W SWSWSESW API: 00323257 Lat: 36.63841682132825, Long: -98.49915171586856 CHESAPEAKE OPERATING LLC HH, DR, 11200 ft, MISSISSIPPIAN(5980) Logan County JONES #1-16, June 02 2016 16 17N 4W CS2SWSE API: 08324389 Lat: 35.94291458677923, Long: -97.62857395921691 ARROWHEAD ENERGY INC SH, DR, 6600 ft, LAYTON MID 5050 6 MISSISSIPPI(LIME), …
Senate Committee to Explore Impact of Court Stay on Clean Power Plan
The U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee chaired by Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe plans a hearing in the coming week exploring the implications of the U.S. Supreme Court stay on the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. The hearing will be held Thursday, June 9 at 8:30 a.m. Oklahoma time. The committee announcement said the purpose …
Oklahoma’s Rig Count Tumbles while Nation’s Count Grows
The latest figures from Baker Hughes Company in Houston, Texas show Oklahoma’s number of working oil and gas rigs dropped by two in the past week, reaching a total of 57. At the same time, the national count grew by four to hit 408. A year ago, Oklahoma had 106 working rigs and there were …
Legislature gets “C” from State Treasurer Ken Miller
In State Treasurer Ken Miller’s latest Oklahoma Economic Report, he graded the recently-concluded legislative session a “C,” stating the legislature ended the session with a balanced budget that avoided dreaded worst case scenarios. Writing in the report, Miller said the budget was a most difficult challenge but what the legislature came up with “leaves significant …
45 new Jobs with Quality Jobs Program Company in Tulsa
The Oklahoma Commerce Department says 45 new jobs will be created by another enrollment by a Tulsa company in the Qualify Jobs Program. The firm is Resolute Engineering LLC which provides engineering, design, project management and construction management services. State officials estimate the maximum benefits through the Quality Jobs Program will be more than $1 …
Williams and ETE Reach Agreement on One Aspect of Messy Merger
A report by Energy Law 360 indicates a settlement of sorts about joint disclosures of tax consequences has been made by the Williams Cos. of Tulsa and Dallas-based Energy transfer Equity LP in their proposed merger that’s turned into a legal fight. The energy law website indicates that attorneys for both sides told a Delaware …
Texas Lawsuit Over Regional Haze Rule Moves Ahead
A Federal circuit court in Washington, D.C. has heard appeals of Texas and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in a lawsuit filed by the State challenging the EPA’s mandated regional haze plan. It’s a plan that would force Texas to clean up its coal-fired power plants that send haze drifting into Oklahoma affecting the Wichita …
California Utility Fined $24 million over Poor Record Keeping
Officials with California’s largest utility, the Pacific Gas and Electric Company are still reviewing a judge’s decision to fine the company more than $24 million for sloppy record keeping of its natural gas distribution system. The California Public Utilities Commission said an administrative judge recommended $24.3 million in fines on top of a 2014 fine …
Air Quality Advisory Council Cancels Meeting
Another cancellation of a meeting of the State’s Air Quality Advisory Council at the State Department of Environmental Quality. The June 8 meeting is now planned for October 12, 2016 in Tulsa and the location has yet to be determined. The last meeting was in January where members were scheduled to vote on amendment Excess …