Category: EPA

Sierra Club Steps up Pressure to Fight Pruitt’s Nomination as EPA Chief

Environmentalists and their organizations are making a stronger push to stop the U.S. Senate confirmation of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to become the new chief of the Environmental Protection Agency. Ever since Pruitt was nominated by President-elect Donald Trump, the Sierra Club has been among the most vocal opponents. In one of its most …

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NY Times Describes Pruitt as Putting Cooperation Before Confrontation

  As Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt prepares for what U.S. Sen. James Lankford says could be the “wildest” of confirmation hearings this week, Pruitt came under review of the New York Times. In its Sunday edition, the paper noted how Pruitt took over as Oklahoma Attorney General and immediately stopped efforts to punish the …

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Lankford Expects Noisy Confirmation Hearing for Pruitt but Predicts He’ll be Confirmed to Run the EPA

A prediction from Oklahoma U.S. Sen. James Lankford—-Scott Pruitt will be confirmed as the new Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “I do think he’ll be confirmed,” said Lankford in an interview with OK Energy today’s Jerry Bohnen.  “I do think it’ll be noisy. I think it’ll be contentious but I do think that …

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Pruitt Practices for Confirmation Hearing

Ever since he was nominated to become the chief of the Environmental Protection Agency, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt’s not made many public comments. He’s met with Senators on Capitol Hill as he prepares for Wednesday’s confirmation hearing to be held by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Environmentalists and some Democratic Senators are …

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Inhofe says Pruitt’s Qualified for the Job of EPA Administrator

  The nation will get a good view of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt this week as he goes before a U.S. Senate confirmation hearing to become the new administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “He’s qualified for the job,” said Sen. Jim Inhofe in a recent interview with CBS News. The Republican Senator …

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Pruitt Meets With More Senators—–Democrats Are Skeptical of His EPA History

  Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt is making the rounds on Capitol Hill, meeting with U.S. Senators and trying to get support for his nomination to take over the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. But he’s run into some opposition among some skeptical Democrats who don’t like his reputation of taking on the EPA regarding his …

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EPA Proposes Another Rule Even as Pruitt Approaches Apparent Takeover

Another proposed rule by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is in the works, one that could target electricity companies in Oklahoma and across the nation. The EPA announced this week and in a notice published Wednesday in the Federal Register said the new rule will require chemical, petroleum products and electricity companies to prove they …

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Inhofe Vows for Quick Committee Approval of Pruitt to Head EPA

    Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt’s wasting little time in pumping hands and seeking support for confirmation to take over the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency. He met Tuesday in Washington with Oklahoma U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe who was chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and is now its senior member. It was …

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Clean Air Moms Target Pruitt’s EPA Nomination

The latest group to target Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt and his nomination by Donald Trump to head the Environmental Protection Agency is spending six figures in an online and TV ad campaign against him. Clean Air Moms Action is urging senators to vote against Pruitt’s confirmation and is running ads in Florida, Maine, Nevada, …

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OK DEQ’s Scott Thompson: EPA “In Good Hands” with Scott Pruitt

President-elect Donald Trump’s choice to lead the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently received accolades from an Oklahoma state agency director with a unique perspective. Scott Thompson, the executive director of the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, weighed in on Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt’s nomination as the EPA’s chief administrator. “DEQ has independently managed our …

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