Category: Oil & Gas

Natural Gas Plant Suffers Two Explosions in Southern Mississippi

Workers at a natural gas plant in southern Mississippi escaped injury early Tuesday when two major explosions rocked the place. The plant is owned by Enterprise Products Partners, L.P. of Houston, Texas. Only two workers were on duty at the time, according to Earl Etheridge, the Jackson County Emergency Manager. The blast happened about 11:30 …

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Brexit Woes Push Crude Oil Futures Lower on Tuesday

Oil futures continued their fall on Monday as traders dealt with another day of market volatility while determining the consequences of the Brexit referendum vote, according to Bloomberg MarketWatch. August West Texas Intermediate crude fell $1.31, or 2.8%, to end trading at $46.33 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. August Brent crude, the …

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New Drilling Rules in Pennsylvania Likely to Affect Oklahoma Firms Drilling in the State

  In a move that will directly affect Oklahoma City’s Chesapeake Energy, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf struck down efforts to create tougher regulations of the oil and gas drilling industry in the Marcellus Shale region of the state. It’s where Chesapeake has nearly made its home for the past several years, becoming a major player …

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Brexit Uncertainty Following Vote Results in Oil Futures Plunge

Oil futures sank nearly 5% on Friday in response to the United Kingdom’s referendum vote to leave the European Union, according to Bloomberg MarketWatch. “The unknowns surrounding the Brexit and chances that other countries may follow suit will be seen as a substantial headwind for risk assets, including oil in the near term, while demand …

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Another Plains All American Pipeline Spill in California

The latest oil pipeline spill along the Pacific coast of California again involves Plains all American Energy, the same firm whose pipeline resulted in a grand jury indictment over alleged lax operations. This time the spill involved about 29,000 gallons of crude oil near Ventura, California but the oil did not reach the beach. However, …

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Law Firms Across the Nation Hail the Judge’s Decision on Fracking in Wyoming

Law firms across the U.S. are hailing a Wyoming federal judge’s ruling that struck down the Obama administration’s fracturing rules as a huge win for the oil and gas industry. The U.S. District judge ruled the U.S. Department of the Interior had no legal authority to involve itself in creating fracking control rules on federal …

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Oklahoma and the U.S. Drop Rig Counts

Rig counts for the U.S. and Oklahoma fell over the past week with Oklahoma losing four and the national count dropping by three, according to data released by Baker Hughes Company of Houston, Texas. Oklahoma’s count slipped to 54 compared to the 105 oil and gas rigs the state had one year ago this week. …

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WTI, Brent Crude and Natural Gas Post Gains on Thursday

Oil futures climbed back above the key benchmark of $50 a barrel on Thursday, buoyed by traders who speculated that the United Kingdom would remain as a member of the European Union, according to Bloomberg MarketWatch. August West Texas Intermediate crude increased by 98 cents, or 2%, to end trading at $50.11 a barrel on …

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Tulsa Driller Files Suit over Earthquake Insurance Coverage

Facing five lawsuits and being accused of causing earthquakes in the state, Tulsa-based New Dominion LLC has gone to court against underwriters Lloyd’s of London. The company filed suit in Tulsa County District court claiming the company and Mark Tedford and his firm, Tedford & Associates LLC misled the firm about earthquake damage and whether …

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White House calls Judge’s Fracking Ruling a “temporary setback”

The Obama administration is not happy after a Wyoming federal judge ruled against hydraulic fracturing rules created by the Bureau of Land Management covering oil and gas drilling on federal and Indian lands. A spokeswoman defended what she called “modernized fracking requirements” and said they “are aimed at ensuring adequate well control, preventing groundwater contamination …

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