DUCs drop in Anadarko Basin


The number of drilled but uncompleted wells in Oklahoma’s Anadarko Basin declined slightly in May according to documents released Monday by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

The EIA report said the Anadarko’s DUCS totaled 856 in March and declined by 21 to 835 in April.

The nation’s total number of DUCS dropped from 7,098 in March to 6,857 wells in April.


Anadarko 856 835 (21)
Appalachia 576 566 (10)
Bakken 673 647 (26)
Eagle Ford 1,080 1,057 (23)
Haynesville 363 362 (1)
Niobrara 497 458 (39)
Permian 3,053 2,932 (121)
Total 7,098 6,857 (241)

The EIA’s Drilling Productivity Report showed the Anadarko Basin’s new-well production per rig was 1,031 barrels a day in May and 1,029 in June 2021. New-well gas production per rig in the basin was 5,575 thousand cubic feet a day for May and 5,564 Mcf a day in June 2021.

New-well oil production per rig
New-well gas production per rig
thousand cubic feet/day
Region May 2021 June 2021 change May 2021 June 2021 change
Anadarko 1,031 1,029 (2) 5,575 5,564 (11)
Appalachia 184 186 2 27,985 28,335 350
Bakken 2,423 2,413 (10) 3,223 3,210 (13)
Eagle Ford 2,326 2,329 3 7,832 7,911 79
Haynesville 19 19 11,468 11,479 11
Niobrara 1,934 1,933 (1) 5,429 5,418 (11)
Permian 1,248 1,236 (12) 2,279 2,244 (35)
Rig-weighted average 1,129 1,141 12 6,864 6,742 (122)


The EIA report said oil production in the Anadarko Basin was 358,000 barrels a day in May and 351,000 in June while gas production was 5,855 million cubic feet a day in May and 5,805 million cubic feet a day in June.