Drill permits show increased drilling in Oklahoma


Interest in resuming oil and gas exploration in Oklahoma is slowly on the increase as at least 26 permits to drill were issued last week by regulators.

Not only were for new drilling. Two permits were issued for State Well plugging in Okmulgee County.

The permits included one in Custer County, one in Harper, three in Kay, two in Major, one in Woodward, two in Love, three in Okmulgee, one in Pawnee, one in Creek, three in McClain, one in Beaver, two in Carter, two in Tulsa and three in Coal County.

Toklan Oil and Gas received the lone permit to drill  the  BRANHAM #1-17, in Custer County at 17 15N 16W which is a site southeast of the town of Putnam.

Latigo Oil and Gas Inc. received a permit to drill the  J C LOVE #1-14, in Harper County at 14 26N 24W, a site midway between the towns of Laverne and Buffalo.

In Kay County, Mackey Consulting and Leasing LLC received a permit for the LADY JANE SWD #33, a site north of Kaw City.

KODA Operating LLC has a Kay County drilling permit for the BEVERLIN A #2, located south of Tonkawa at 34 25N 1W.

Cardinal River Operating LLC received a permit to drill the
WILKERSON #4-8, in Kay County at 08 25N 2E which is south of Ponca City.

Two permits for Major County were awarded to Crawley Petroleum Corporation. One is for the ANCHOR P #2-29MH, to be drilled at 20 21N 13W which is west of Fairview. The second is for the adjacent JACK RABBIT #1-29MH located at 29 21N 13W.

In Woodward County, Latigo Oil and Gas plans to drill the   STEVENS UNIT #3 at 25 21N 21W which is several  miles west of Sharon.

XTO Energy Inc. received tw permits for the  CAROLYN #1-2H35X  wells in Love County at 02 8S 2E southeast of Marietta.

Two permits for state fund plugging in Okmulgee County were also issued. Both wells are at the same site northwest of the town of Beggs.

A third Okmulgee County drilling permit was issued but not assigned for a well near the two wells to be plugged.


A similar permit to drill was issued for a state land tract in Pawnee County near Oak Grove.

Luke Oil Company received a permit to drill the MURREL ##4, well in Creek County at 23 16N 8E which is northwest of  Bristow.

EOG Resources Inc. has a permit for the COLE FARMS 0916 #4H, well in McClain County at 16 7N 4W just north of Dibble.

GLB Exploration Inc. received a permit in McClain County for the LOCKE #1-12, located at 12 5N 3W, a site southwest of Purcell.


Latigo Oil and Gas received a permit in Beaver County to drill the Gregg #1-18 at 18 4N 28EC.

Three Carter County drilling permits for the SW WILDCAT JIM DEESE UNIT #13-1 wells at  12 2S 3W were awarded Mack Energy Company. All three are at the same pad.

Two permits were approved for wells in Tulsa County but not assigned. One was the NORTON #6, east of Sperry at 21 21N 13E and the other, UNKNOWN #3, in Broken Arrow at 28 18N 14E.

Canyon Creek Energy Arkoma LLC has permits for three wells to be drilled on a single pad. The LDC #3-23/26H, wells are located at 23 2N 9E which is north of Centrahoma.