Nuclear energy is MIA in Democratic Party Platform


Observations of the Democratic party’s platform this week from author and energy journalist Robert Bryce.….they focus on nuclear power and its noted absence in what the Democrats want for the U.S.

1) The omission of nuclear energy in the party’s platform shows, yet again, that while Democrats are making climate change a top talking point — the word “climate” appears 81 times in the 92-page platform — the Democratic Party is still firmly in the grip of big anti-nuclear NGOs that operate on $100 million+ annual budgets.

He contends the top Democratic leaders get big bucks from such groups as the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters and they dare not risk alienating them.

2)  Indeed, as I explained in May, renewable energy fetishism dominates the Left’s approach to energy. The word “solar” appears nine times in the party’s platform, wind energy gets two mentions, and “clean energy” — the catch-all marketing term that has become the rationale for hundreds of billions of dollars of corporate welfare under the Inflation Reduction Act — appears 44 times. (The word “Trump” appears 150 times!)


Bryce went on to write that the omission of nuclear energy in this year’s Democratic Party Platform means that in the past half-century, nuclear power received only one positive mention in the platform and that occurred in 2020.

Why is it important? He points out that the U.S., with no nuclear power plant currently under construction, has fallen way behind China and other countries. China announced this week it plans to spend $31 million to build 11 new reactors in the next five years.

That’s why Bryce headlines his most recent article, “Where are the pro-nuclear Democrats?”