Oklahoma Transportation Commissioners to meet Monday


The Oklahoma Transportation Commission’s mon­thly meeting is scheduled for 11 a.m. Monday, June 3, in the R.A. Ward Transportation Building, 200 N.E. 21st St., Oklahoma City.

Items to be addressed at the meeting:

  • Oklahoma Transportation Commissioners will be presented with and vote on whether to approve the department’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Work Program.
  • Oklahoma Department of Transportation Executive Director Tim Gatz will brief commissioners on the upcoming 25th anniversary celebration of the Heartland Flyer.
  • The commission will vote on whether to award several contracts, among them a project to continue I-35 expansion to six lanes with an interchange reconstruction at I-35/SH-153 in Thackerville, Love County and another adding 8-foot shoulders, sidewalks and curb replacements to US-56 near Boise City in the Panhandle.
  • An additional, information-only meeting will be held to brief commissioners on the mapping project delivery process. The presentation will begin at 12:30 p.m. and can be viewed here.

The full agenda packet may be viewed here.

To watch the commission meeting video livestream:
Ustream (Turn up the volume on your computer or other device and on Ustream)

The meeting also will be recorded, captioned and available to the public online later.

The commission, a nine-member panel appointed by the governor and legislative leaders to oversee the state’s transportation development, awards project contracts for road and bridge construction on a monthly basis.

Source: press release