Electrical power was finally restored to nearly all of the customers of Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company and Public Service Company of Oklahoma following the severe weather that hit on June 17.
At one point, an estimated 300,000 customers lost power in the storms that included at least one tornado in the Panhandle.
As of Sunday, the OG&E website showed 16 customers were still without power. The PSO website reflected 15 customers remained without electricity.
Oklahoma Gas and Electric reported another 1,000 customers lost power Friday night in eastern Oklahoma and western Arkansas because of thunderstorms and 70 mph winds.
On Saturday, PSO stated it still had 6,000 customers whose power was still not restored but efforts by crews, including many from out of state, made repairs Saturday night and Sunday.
An estimated70 customers of various electric cooperatives in rural areas of the state were without power as of Sunday afternoon.
The outage website of the Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives indicated the largest number of outages were in southern Oklahoma following weekend thunderstorms.
- Cotton Electric Cooperative, Inc.Updated Jun 25, 3:23pm20 member-consumers without power.
- Comanche (OK): 17
- Stephens (OK): 3