Oklahoma Corporation Commission makes temporary move

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A lot of changes are being made by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission as its headquarters at the Jim Thorpe Office Building undergoes millions of dollars in renovation.

The commission is relocating the Oklahoma City office to the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building at 2401 N. Lincoln Blvd in the Capitol Complex. The agency intends to hold public meetings and hearings of the three-member Commission in the Concourse Theater, Suite C50 in the tunnel between the Will Rogers Memorial office building and the Sequoyah Memorial office building.

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The commission announced that other proceedings, including, but not limited to, hearings before administrative law judges that occur after June 1, 2023 will also be scheduled in the Concourse Theater or additional courtrooms located in the tunnel between the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building and the Sequoyah Memorial Office Building. The specific room location, including updates, will be available on or before the day of the event at the information desk in the first-floor lobby of the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building and on the Commission’s website. Moreover, Commission staff will be available to assist any member of the public in finding the location of the scheduled event.

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The commission had other announcements about the move:

PLEASE NOTE Prior to June 1, 2023, proceedings may be conducted at either the Jim Thorpe Office Building or the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building. Please verify the location on notices and/or the Commission website.

For proceedings conducted at the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building, please plan to arrive with ample time to reach the appropriate room. A parking map has been attached to this notice.

*This does not impact, or apply to, any proceedings at the OCC Eastern Regional Service Office in Tulsa.


Interim Orders

Interim orders require reopening dates, times, and location. Attorneys are advised to review all interim orders prior to the reopening date to determine if notice is appropriate (especially the location of the hearing) for all hearings that will occur on or after June 1, 2023, the date that all OCC hearings will be moved to the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building. Additional notice may be appropriate, depending on the circumstances of each case, due to the relocation of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s Oklahoma City Office. Attorneys are further advised to come to every hearing prepared to address notice issues, questions, and concerns.

*This does not impact, or apply to, any proceedings at the OCC Eastern Regional Service Office in Tulsa.

PUD Matters

Language for Orders with En Banc Hearing References:

The hearing on [INSERT TYPE, i.e. the merits/name of motion, etc.] (“Hearing”) shall commence before the Commission en banc on [TIME/DATE] in the Concourse Theater, Suite C50, Will Rogers Memorial Building at 2401 N. Lincoln Blvd., in the Capitol Complex, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105. The Concourse Theater is located in the tunnel between the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building and the Sequoyah Memorial Office Building.

Language for Notices of En Banc Hearings:

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the hearing on [INSERT TYPE] is set before the Commission en banc on [TIME/DATE] at the Concourse Theater, Suite C50, Will Rogers Memorial Office Building, 2401 N. Lincoln Blvd., in the Capitol Complex, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105. The Concourse Theater is located in the tunnel between the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building and the Sequoyah Memorial Office Building.

Language for Orders with ALJ Hearing References:

The hearing on [INSERT TYPE, i.e. the merits/motion] (“Hearing”) shall commence on [TIME/DATE or reference to time/date in the order, i.e., as set above] and shall continue until the record is closed. The Hearing will be held before an Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”) in the Concourse Theater, Suite C50, Will Rogers Memorial Building at 2401 N. Lincoln Blvd., in the Capitol Complex, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105. The Concourse Theater is located in the tunnel between the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building and the Sequoyah Memorial Office Building.

Language for Notices of ALJ Hearings:

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the hearing on the [INSERT TYPE] is set before an Administrative Law Judge on [TIME/DATE] at the Concourse Theater, Suite C50, Will Rogers Memorial Office Building, 2401 N. Lincoln Blvd., in the Capitol Complex, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105. The Concourse Theater is located in the tunnel between the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building and the Sequoyah Memorial Office Building.

*References to public comment should also be clear as to the time, date, and location.

All interim orders involving re-openings on or after June 1, 2023, are to contain the following language:

This Case shall be re-opened before an Administrative Law Judge, at [TIME/DATE], on the [TYPE OF DOCKET] Docket to [DESCRIPTION OF PURPOSE OF REOPENING].

Due to renovation work at the Jim Thorpe Office Building, the Commission’s Oklahoma City office is relocating to the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building at 2401 N. Lincoln Blvd., in the Capitol Complex, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105. All hearings, docket calls, and public meetings will be conducted in the Concourse Theater or additional courtrooms located in the tunnel between the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building and the Sequoyah Memorial Office Building. The specific room location, including updates, will be available on or before the day of the event at the information desk in the first-floor lobby of the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building and on the Commission’s website at: https://oklahoma.gov/occ/court-dockets.html

*This does not impact, or apply to, any proceedings at the OCC Eastern Regional Service Office in Tulsa.

Notices of Hearings for All Matters Not Covered Above

Language for Notices of En Banc Hearings:

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the hearing on [INSERT TYPE] is set before the Commission en banc on [TIME/DATE] at the Concourse Theater, Suite C50, Will Rogers Memorial Office Building, 2401 N. Lincoln Blvd., in the Capitol Complex, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105. The Concourse Theater is located in the tunnel between the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building and the Sequoyah Memorial Office Building.

Language for Notices of ALJ Hearings:

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the hearing on [INSERT TYPE i.e. the merits/name of motion, etc.] is set before an Administrative Law Judge on [TIME/DATE] at the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building, 2401 N. Lincoln Blvd., in the Capitol Complex, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105.

Due to renovation work at the Jim Thorpe Office Building, the Commission’s Oklahoma City office is relocating to the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building at 2401 N. Lincoln Blvd., in the Capitol Complex, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105. All hearings, docket calls, and public meetings will be conducted in the Concourse Theater or additional courtrooms located in the tunnel between the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building and the Sequoyah Memorial Office Building. The specific room location, including updates, of each scheduled hearing or public meeting will be available on or before the day of the event at the information desk in the first-floor lobby of the Will Rogers Memorial Office Building and on the Commission’s website at: https://oklahoma.gov/occ/court-dockets.html.

If you have any questions regarding interim orders or notices, please contact Francie Ludwick at (405) 521-2250 or francie.ludwick@occ.ok.gov.