Ovintiv announces results of annual meeting

Kimmeridge to launch proxy for oil, gas producer Ovintiv: WSJ | Fox Business


The results of the annual meeting of Ovintiv Inc. were announced this week.

The meeting was held May 3 and included the election of nominees to the board of directors.

Each director nominee listed in the Proxy Statement was elected as a director of the Company.  The results of the vote by ballot were as follows:

Shares For Shares Against Abstain Broker Non-vote
Peter A. Dea 168,404,785 5,047,161 130,316 19,755,443
Meg A. Gentle 169,689,545 3,737,410 155,307 19,755,443
Ralph Izzo 171,659,752 1,696,254 226,256 19,755,443
Howard J. Mayson 170,339,842 3,107,225 135,195 19,755,443
Brendan M. McCracken 172,605,556 825,099 151,607 19,755,443
Lee A. McIntire 166,563,086 6,842,816 176,360 19,755,443
Katherine L. Minyard 171,973,771 1,444,588 163,903 19,755,443
Steven W. Nance 172,011,222 1,397,006 174,034 19,755,443
Suzanne P. Nimocks 157,900,679 15,424,515 257,068 19,755,443
George L. Pita 172,022,482 1,389,605 170,175 19,755,443
Thomas G. Ricks 165,904,949 7,505,652 171,661 19,755,443
Brian G. Shaw 170,658,576 2,792,006 131,680 19,755,443

Advisory Vote to Approve Compensation of Named Executive Officers

The results of the non-binding advisory vote for the compensation of the Company’s named executive officers were as follows:

Shares For Shares Against Abstain Broker Non-vote
167,308,173 5,820,963 453,126 19,755,443

Advisory Vote on Frequency of Future Advisory Votes to Approve Compensation of Named Executive Officers

The results of the non-binding advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes to approve the compensation of named executive officers, were as follows:

One-Year Two-Years Three-Years Abstain Broker Non-vote
170,568,567 127,026 2,498,008 388,661 19,755,443

Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Independent Auditors

The results for the ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Accountants, as the Company’s independent auditors were as follows:

Shares For Shares Against Abstain Broker Non-vote
186,757,581 6,435,087 145,037 0