Oklahoma Natural Gas is moving ahead with a proposed rate hike that if approved by state regulators would mean nearly $2 more a month for an average residential customers.
ONG’s request for an increase of nearly $19,668,043 in base rates will be heard by an Administrative Law Judge at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission on July 13 at 1:30 p.m. The case is PUD 202200023 and ONG stated in a notice to customers it made the requested increase to recover increased business costs and natural gas infrastructure investments.
The company said it invested nearly $119 million since its last base rate increase. The proposed increase would raise an average residential customer’s service charge by approximately $1.95 monthly and $23.40 annual.
ONG explained it is also asking for approval of the energy efficiency true-up and utility incentive adjustments for the program year 2021 and modifications to its tariffs. The company stated that as part of its compliance with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, it will continue to return to customers excess deferred income taxes that are both protected and unprotected. The one-time annual EDIT credit for 2022 is $9,129,977.