Citizen Energy plans more drilling in Grady County


South Central Oklahoma will be the site of more drilling exploration by Citizen Energy III LLC and two other energy companies.

The Tulsa-based company received two permits this past week for a two-well pad in Grady County.

Two Todd wells will be drilled at 26 10N 5W, a site northeast of Tuttle and north of state highway 37. The drilling for both wells, according to the permit will be into the Woodford at a depth of around 8,900 feet for one well and 9,200 feet for the second well.

Pay Dirt Energy LLC, a new energy company located in Piedmont received a permit to drill in Carter County. The STEWART 1-34 #SWD, will be located at 34 5S 3W or southwest of the town of Wilson.

A Love County drilling permit was granted Trailhead Exploration LLC to drill THE JUDGE #1-8H7X18, at 06 8S 3E which is southeast of Marietta.