Floating Wind Energy Company Formed in Houston

Not that we’ll ever see it in Oklahoma, but the idea of floating wind farms is coming to Texas.

In Houston, a new company has been created by those with floating wind power experience in the Netherlands.  Quest Offshore Resources announced this week the formation of Quest Floating Wind Energy LLC.

While the Gulf of Mexico wasn’t specifically mentioned in the announcement, the location of headquarters in Houston would lead one to believe that’s where such electrical generation could take place.

The company will use data analytics, market analysis and the development of offshore floating projects. Floating Wind Energy plans to use research in unlocking the potential of the world’s most intense wind areas.

“Eighty percent of these areas lie in waters beyond the reach of fixed turbines, making floating wind a key player contributing to the world’s energy transition into a low carbon future,” said John Chadderson, Director of Q FWE.

Company President Paul Hillegeist said the firm’s “purpose is to provide world-class deep data” for the Floating Wind Energy Industry.