Update scheduled for $1.2 billion in broadband funding in Oklahoma


Oklahoma’s Broadband Office will give an update Tuesday on the status of its $1.2 billion 5-year spending program to expand broadband service to all rural areas of the state.

The Oklahoma Broadband Governing Board will meet at 10 a.m.

Below is the published agenda:

1. Call to Order, Welcome, and Determination of a Quorum

2. Compliance with Open Meeting Act

3. Office Policy regarding Comments and Questions on Grant Processes

4. Discussion and Action to Approve Minutes of the June 11, 2024, Board Regular Meeting

5. Opening Remarks by Chair

6. Status Report from Oklahoma Broadband Office and Possible Discussion

7. Planning Update and Possible Discussion on Grant Programs
a) American Rescue Plan Act โ€“ State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (ARPA – SLFRF)
b) American Rescue Plan Act โ€“ Capital Projects Fund (ARPA – CPF)
c) Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD)
d) Digital Equity Act (DEA)

8. New Business (Per 25 O.S. 2021, ยง 311(10), any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting of the agenda.)

9. Next Meeting, Closing Remarks, and Announcements

10. Adjournment


This is an Open Meeting. People may observe this meeting either in person or online.
To join the meeting online, click here or https://tinyurl.com/ydyyaurn.
To join by phone, call +1 (405) 898-0717 Conference ID: 136 130 427#
Meeting documents are posted at https://broadband.ok.gov.