A Washington, D.C.-based conservative group, the American Accountability Foundation, is raising a conflict of interest allegation against the Oklahoma County Judge set to hear Friday arguments in the lawsuit challenging Oklahoma’s anti-ESG Act.
The Foundation’s President Thomas Jones released a statement late Thursday saying attorney Collin Walke, who represents the state retiree who filed suit last December contributed $500 to the campaign of State Rep. Preston Stinson, husband to District Judge Sheila Stinson.
“The fact pattern outlined above showing that Rep. Preston Stinson’s campaign received a $500 contribution from Don Keenan’s attorney, Collin Walke, just two days after Judge Sheila Stinson issued an order granting a temporary injunction against the Oklahoma Energy Discrimination Act of 2022 is troublesome and reeks of impropriety,” stated Jones.
“Oklahomans deserve a fair judicial system free from the appearance of improper pay-to-play schemes. Judge Stinson must recuse herself from Keenan v. Russ to ensure that Oklahomans can feel confident that any decisions made in this important case are free from pay-to-play and backroom deals.”
Walke represents Don Keenan in his suit that alleges the State Treasurer’s enforcement of the Oklahoma Energy Discrimination Elimination Act has harmed the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System and his pension.
“Judge Stinson must recuse herself NOW, before tomorrow’s hearing!” declared Jones in releasing his statement.
The Foundation is described as an American conservative opposition research group founded in 2020. Jones is a co-founder.
The judge will hold a hearing at 11 a.m. Friday on motions in the case. Jones pointed out that Judge Stinson, in a May 7 decision to temporarily suspend enforcement of the Act, wrote that Keenan is likely to win on the merits of the case. (CV-2023-3021)
“Just two days after Judge Sheila Stinson issued her order granting a temporary injunction against enforcement of the Act on May 7, 2024, the campaign of State Rep. Preston Stinson reported receiving a contribution of $500 from Collin Walke–the attorney representing the plaintiff in the case against the Energy Discrimination Act–on May 9, 2024,” stated Jones.
Judge Walke was assigned the case after it was filed in December of last year.
In making his claim, Jones provided documentation.
The link below was offered by him.
Jones further stated, “Adding to the unusual nature of this contribution is the fact that Collin Walke is a former Democratic
Member of the Oklahoma State House, and Rep. Preston Stinson is a Republican. Further, it is one of only seven campaign contributions that Collin Walke is reported to have made in 2024 (as of data available on July 18).”
Member of the Oklahoma State House, and Rep. Preston Stinson is a Republican. Further, it is one of only seven campaign contributions that Collin Walke is reported to have made in 2024 (as of data available on July 18).”