State and tribal leaders announced Friday a dangerous intersection in Ada where fatal accidents have occurred over the years will be redesigned.
Known as “Crazy Corner,” the intersection where two state highways and a busy railroad converge will be redesigned with funding from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, the City of Ada, andthe Chickasaw Nation.
“The Chickasaw Nation is pleased to join with ODOT and the City of Ada to tackle the long-standing safety issues involving the Crazy Corner intersection,” said Chickasaw Nation Gov. Bill Anoatubby.
” Our top priority is ensuring the safety and well-being of all motorists and pedestrians. We are committed to dedicating resources, in collaboration with ODOT and the City of Ada, to make this intersection a safer roadway for the benefit of all citizens.”
Ada Sen. Greg McCortney said Crazy Corner has developed a deadly reputation over the years.
“Given its location in the heart of Ada, with both a busy intersection and a railroad crossing, it’s imperative to enhance this roadway for the safety of residents and those visiting our city and the Chickasaw Nation. It has been a pleasure working with our local and tribal partners to address these necessary infrastructure updates.”
Another legislator, Rep. Ronny Johns of Ada said the collaborative effort by the city, state and tribal leaders is an ideal example of elected officials working together to solve an issue to serve their constituents.
“Updates to this interchange have been sorely needed for quite some time, and I hope these changes will make this area significantly safer for all drivers.”
“When partners come together with a shared commitment to public safety, the results can be transformative,” said Brian Taylor, ODOT Chief Engineer. “ODOT is excited about this collaboration and the positive impact to the community.”
“The City of Ada looks forward to partnering with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the Chickasaw Nation in the redesign process of the intersection at Arlington and Mississippi, also known as Crazy Corner,” stated Mayor Randy McFarlin. “Safety has and always will be our number one concern.”
The estimated total cost of construction is just over $4 million.
Source: press release