Small rural rail lines in Kansas to share more than $16 million for improvements


Seventeen short-line railroads in Kansas will be sharing nearly $16.5 million for expanson and rehabilitation.

The rail lines are located mostly in the western half of the state and the funding is from the Kansas Department of Transportation’s Rail Service Improvement Program. It is in the form of matching grants and each of the small rail lines will have to provide a 30% match.

Governor Laura Kelly announced the grants.

“These needed rail infrastructure improvements will lift up rural Kansas and, in doing so, will maximize the economic potential of the entire state,” she said in a news release.

“By strengthening agriculture supply chains, my administration is helping our farmers and ranchers connect to regional, national, and international markets.”

The largest grant is more than $2.2 million and will go to the Cimarron Valley Railroad that serves Ford County which includes Dodge City.