Oklahoma Corporation Commissioners continue their review of certain changes rules in a meeting scheduled for Thursday afternoon at the state capitol.
The rule changes will apply to telecommunications services and Gas & Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety.
Discussion, hearing, and possible vote(s) in Case No. RM2023-000017, In the Matter of a Permanent Rulemaking of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission Amending OAC
165:55, Telecommunications Services
Discussion, hearing, and possible vote(s) in Case No. RM2023-000018, In the Matter of a Permanent Rulemaking of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission Amending OAC
165:56, Resellers of Interexchange Telecommunications Services
Discussion, hearing, and possible vote(s) in Case No. RM2023-000019, In the Matter of a Permanent Rulemaking of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission Amending OAC
165:57, Operator Service Providers Telecommunications Services
VII Discussion, hearing, and possible vote(s) in Case No. RM2023-000023, In the Matter
of a Permanent Rulemaking of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission Amending OAC
165:20, Gas & Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety
In the Commission’s 24-hour signing agenda, it will decide on a request by Public Service Company of Oklahoma to obtain a protective order regarding financial data filed in seeking a rate hike request.
“During the processing of this case, PSO anticipates that PUD and other parties will request to review certain information that PSO considers to be either confidential or highly sensitive and confidential. Therefore, a protective order is needed,” declared PSO in its request.