In a cold weather update, OG&E indicated its customers experienced very few power outages in the most recent frigid weather that gripped Oklahoma.
The utility said its system performed 99.96% of the time and onlly 2% of customers experienced an outage for a brief length of time before OG&E crews were able to restore power.
From Jan. 13-16, 2024, the region has experienced temperatures not seen in three years. Many people were concerned about how the electric grid and electric companies would weather this cold snap.
OG&E power plants generated 344,447 MWh of electricity to the grid while we experienced a new winter record peak in demand for electricity. All available power generation units ran reliably during these frigid days, just like they did during Winter Storm Uri in 2021. More natural gas supply was available during this event than during Winter Storm Uri. After Uri, OG&E increased natural gas storage to ensure adequate supply levels to generate power for our customers should another similar event occur.
OG&E will continue to make grid and power plant improvements that help provide our customers with reliable electricity to power their homes and businesses. The company’s ongoing efforts to protect power plants from harsh winter elements and improve grid reliability continue to pay off for our customers.
As severe winter weather returns to Oklahoma and Arkansas this weekend, our crews are ready to respond.