Hail destruction and green energy going haywire

Dawn Reader: Going Haywire ...


The people behind the website, Committee to Unleash Prosperity, are admittedly critical of the Biden administration’s love affair with renewable energy, the subject of climate change and pouring countless billions of dollars into them.

Committee founder, Stephen Moore had a critical take on the recent story we reported concerning baseball sized hail and what it did to a solar farm in western Nebraska.

 If a Solar Project Falls in a Hailstorm, Does the Media Make a Sound? 

You can be almost certain that the media will downplay/ignore any bad news related to alternative energy projects, whether it’s off-shore windmills contributing to the deaths of whales, solar panel projects threatening fragile habitats or species, or green energy shutting down during freezes and last year’s polar vortex. 

The latest example of green energy going haywire comes from Scottsbluff, Nebraska where a project involving 14,000 solar panels has been destroyed by a single hailstorm.  The project had a life expectancy of 25 years. It was demolished less than four years after construction. 

“Now residents will surely have to rely on good old, reliable fossil fuel power to keep the electricity flowing,” reports the wattsupwiththat.com website.

“And how long will it take to clean up the toxic mess left behind?”

Here’s a closeup view of what the hail did to the solar panels.

Paving the Road to Net-Zero • Watts Up With That?