Oklahoma Broadband Office state tour finishing soon


The Oklahoma Broadband office has only four stops remaining on its 18-city tour of the state to hear about high-speed internet priorities.

Its most recent stops were in Miami, Lawton and Sulphur.

Representatives of the office will be in Ada on Tuesday, June 13. Remaining stops include Okmulgee on June 20 at 4:30 p.m.; Goodwell on June 22 at 4:30 p.m. and Woodward on June 23 at 4:30 p.m.

At each of the previous stops, the office heard from local leaders, nonprofits, educators, healthcare providers, business leaders and others to discuss how increased internet access would help them.

The office was created with the intent of implementing a State Broadband Plan to make reliable, affordable, high-speed internet available to at least 95% of Oklahomans. Together with the Broadband Governing Board and the Broadband Expansion Council, the office will create and administer grant program funding to achieve the state’s internet goal by June of 2028.

Oklahoma expects to invest more than $1 billion in state and funding funding for the broadband infrastructure and accessibility.


The OBO, along with assistance from the Broadband Governing Board and the Broadband Expansion Council, will create and administer grant program funding to achieve Oklahoma’s aggressive broadband internet goal by June 2028.  The State of Oklahoma currently expects to invest more than $1 billion in state and federal funding for broadband infrastructure and accessibility.