Ardmore Rep. Tammy Townley’s bill to bring an end to Home Owners Association’s from banning the installation of solar energy systems goes before a state House committee on Thursday.
The House Utilities Committee will meet at 10:30 a.m. at the Capitol to consider3 bills, including HB1023 by Rep. Townley.
The House member explained recently to OK Energy Today the bill mirrors one passed 12 years ago in Texas and it “restricts the HOAs from denying their members the ability to get solar panels.
She said such restrictions are a growing problem because of the growth of renewable energy, grid constraints and soaring utility prices.
When: Thursday, March 2, 2023 10:30 AM
Where: Room 206
1. Welcome and introductions
2. HB1023 – Property; owners association; solar energy; effective date. – Townley*
3. HB1977 – Corporation Commission; creating the Corporation Commission Reform Act; effective date. – Newton*
4. HB2839 – Oil and gas; motor fuels; content; signage; effective date. – Caldwell (Trey)*
5. Other business and adjournment
NOTE: Meeting content will be live streamed via internet.