Not the kind of earthquakes Oklahomans normally experience

Buffalo Point on Yellowstone Lake | Yellowstone | Wyoming | Photos by Jess  Lee


When earthquakes rattle Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas, they are sometimes linked to the oil and gas industry and the deep injection of water returned to well below the earth’s surface.

The more than 60 earthquakes recorded this week in Wyoming had nothing to do with the oil and gas industry, but the long-proven volcanic history surrounding Yellowstone Lake. The lake makes up part of the Yellowstone Caldera formed by a cataclysmic volcanic eruption some 640,000 years ago and measures nearly 30 by 45 miles.

When a Sleeping Giant Awakes

The result was a quick response from officials who said no, it does not mean a civilization-ending volcano will erupt reported Cowboy State Daily.

More Than 60 Earthquakes Rattled Yellowstone Lake On Wednesday; Humanity  Not Doomed - Cowboy State Daily

The paper reported that only two of the temblors registered at a mark that someone could be able to feel it with one coming it at 3.0 and another at 3.7. Anything under a 3.0 is difficult for people to sense.

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