Heat wave prompts AAA warning to motorists

Driving in Hot Weather: Safety Tips, Vehicle Checks, Handling Emergencies


AAA reminded motorists that with triple-digit temperatures in the Oklahoma forecast for the next week, take a cue from what happened to a few thousand motorists in the state over the July 4th weekend.

Within the past five days of the July 4th holiday weekend, AAA responded to 3,454 calls from Oklahomans with vehicle issues.

The group issued a warning this week that motorists should prepare their vehicles to avoid a true emergency in the heat. AAA said when temperatures hit 100 degrees or greater, like they are over the next several days, there is always a spike in roadside assistance calls.

“When temperatures soar, an inconvenience can quickly escalate to an emergency if motorists are not prepared,” says Leslie Gamble, spokesperson for AAA Oklahoma. “Imagine being stranded roadside in the extreme heat, possibly with children or seniors. You must take every precaution to avoid it.”

Source: AAA