In the February edition of the Oklahoma Economic Report, State Treasurer Ken Miller is praising Gov. Mary Fallin for her efforts to create more jobs in Oklahoma.
“Governor Mary Fallin has taken an active role in luring businesses to bring quality jobs to Oklahoma,” he wrote. “Data from the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission show that between January 2017 and January 2018 Oklahoma 25,000 jobs.
Gov. Fallin also had a guest commentary in Miller’s monthly newsletter in which she focused on adding more jobs to the state’s economy.
“The state’s energy sector is improving, and our state’s business
climate is healthy. Our pro-business policies are attracting a wide
variety of jobs and businesses to the state, which are diversifying our economy.”
“My No. 1 priority as governor is to create more jobs and attract more investment in order to build a more prosperous Oklahoma. Even though my term is winding down, I continue to pursue pro-growth policies that will allow Oklahoma to remain one of the best states to do business.”
The Governor noted that last year, new and existing companies announced a total of more than $6 billion in new investments. Of the 83 public announcements, 23 were from new companies moving into the state in 2017. She said the investments could eventually lead to 3,500 new jobs.
“The previous year, in 2016, 66 announcements were made
statewide, which totaled $2.2 billion in investments with 14
coming from companies new to Oklahoma. More than 5,200
jobs are expected from those announcements,” wrote the governor. “Government in and of itself does not create jobs, But it should provide the right environment to grow the economy through a free-market system, unfettered b burdensome regulations.”