Kansas Army Post Getting $37 million Energy Conservation Upgrades


Construction started this week on a $37 million energy conservation plan at Fort Riley Army post in Kansas….home to the Big Red One and once home to Gen. George Armstrong Custer.

It’s a plan that officials claim will result in $92 million in savings over the next 22 years. The project includes 15 energy conservation measures at 280 Fort Riley buildings covering 5.8 million square feet.

The project is the result of an order from the Obama administration with a plan of reducing energy use 25 percent by 2025. A California firm, Southland Energy was hired to put the plan together.  The company’s third-party financier will pay $37.7 million up front for the capital investment and be paid back through annual savings of $2.4 million.

Southland is expanding and upgrading central plants and energy management controls, LED lighting upgrades and improving boiler and water conservation measures. The construction should take about 23 months.