Trump’s Pledge to Dump EPA Regulations Might Not be So Easy


While Donald Trump has vowed to eliminate all of the President’s executive orders he believes are constitutional, it might not be as easy as he thinks.

So reports Inside Climate News, an environment-friendly publication that suggests in a new fund-raising effort that the fossil fuel industry may top the list of Americans feeling most thankful for Trump’s election.

“The election of Donald Trump not only promises to grant many of their fondest deregulation wishes, but it could also offer a potential Black Friday-like atmosphere on things like drilling leases and access to public lands,” wrote the publication in its latest email message.

“Undoing all of President Obama’s environmental regulations won’t be as easy as a stroke of a pen, but his executive orders—Obama used a lot of them because he could not count on the support of Congress—are another matter,” continued Inside Climate News.

The article about undoing some of the environmental rules and regulations created by the Obama administration cites public law and the steps that must be taken. That includes another round of a public notice and comment period plus the likelihood of law suits.