“I’m glad to see energy production put back into the hands of hard-working Americans.” Rep. Tom Cole
The Wyoming judge who ruled against the Obama administration’s fracking regulations gets strong support from two Oklahoma congressmen.
‘I applaud the federal judge who stood by the law and struck down this unnecessary, politically-motivated power grab,” said Sen. Jim Inhofe, who is chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. “States have proven that they are in the best position to regulate hydraulic fracking on land within their borders….”
Congressman Tom Cole also responded.
“Without Congressional approval, the Administration cannot impose these unauthorized regulations and take away states’ rights for energy production,” said the Republican from the 4th congressional district. “Again and again, the Administration has attempted to put environmental concerns over American prosperity. I’m glad to see energy production put back into the hands of hard-working Americans.”
He said much of the nation’s oil and natural gas production originated from hydraulic fracking and Oklahoma “has benefitted greatly from the fracking industry.”
As late as March of this year, Sen. Inhofe had introduced The Fracturing Regulations are Effective in State Hands (FRESH) Act. It recognized hydraulic fracturing as a commercial practice and would keep regulations under state management. He had earlier introduced in February the Federal Land Freedom Act of 2015 which would give states the authority to create programs for leasing, permitting and regulating the development of all forms of energy resources on federal lands within their border.