While waiting for the other shoe to drop when it comes to gasoline prices and tariffs on Mexico and Canada, Oklahoma’s average price is about the same as a week ago, according to AAA Oklahoma.
The average price for a gallon of regular unleaded is $2.68, just a penny more than last week but 11 cents higher than a month ago. The state average compares to the national average of $3.09 which is 3 cents lower than last week.
The latest tariffs on crude oil from Mexico and Canada announced by President Trump are expected to cause an increase in gasoline prices in the U.S. However, on Monday, the President paused the tariffs and agreed to a 30-day pause on his tariff threats against Mexico and Canada as America’s two largest trading partners took steps to appease his concerns about border security and drug trafficking.
For now, the cheapest gas in the AAA survey is $2.31 a gallon in Harmon County in the southwest where Hollis is the county seat. But AAA’s competitor, GasBuddy reports gas is down to $2.05 a gallon in Hollis.
The highest average belongs to Coal County in the southeast at $3.19 per gallon.
Prices in Oklahoma City average $2.65, six cents higher than a week ago and 17 cents more than a month earlier, reported AAA. GasBuddy reports some stations in Moore and Oklahoma City are pumping gas as low as $2.37 per gallon.
Tulsa’s average is at $2.65, down six cents from last week and one cent more than last month. GasBuddy reports some Tulsa stations are selling it as low as $2.45 per gallon.
Lawton’s average of $2.59 is 3 cents lower than last week and 3 cents more than the previous month.
The state average compares to $2.82 in Kansas, $2.97 Colorado, $2.89 New Mexio, $2.71 Texas, $2.74 Arkansas and $2.8 Missouri.
“We are about halfway through winter, so there may be fewer seasonal spikes at the pump,” Andrew Gross, AAA spokesperson.
According to new data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), gasoline demand increased from 8.08 million b/d last week to 8.30. Meanwhile, total domestic gasoline stocks rose from 245.9 million barrels to 248.9, while gasoline production decreased last week, averaging 9.2 million barrels daily.