Legislator targets wind farms in filed bill


When Rep. Molly Jenkins urged those attending a Stop the Green rally last week at the capitol to “fight, fight, fight,” she backed up her words with a bill to put more restrictions on wind farms in Oklahoma.

She filed a measure called the Vital Industries Security Act of 2025,” a bill that restricts how close wind farm towers can be located to airports, schools and hospitals. House Bill 1044 would ban wind farm towers withone one and one-half miles from an airport runway and the same distance from public schools and hospitals.

Her bill would be in addition to the 2018 Act which put restrictions on how close wind farm towers can be located to military installations.

In addition, Rep. Jenkins proposed giving any county commission in the state the power to “declare a moratorium on the construction or expansion of wind energy facilities within the county commission’s area of jurisdiction” if the county is home to “any facility spanning two or more counties that serves as a primary hub for the storage, aggregation, and distribution of crude oil through pipeline networks, and that is recognized as a key delivery point for crude oil futures contracts in national or
international markets.”

During her rousing comments to the rally last week, the Republican lawmaker said, “This fight is far from over—so fight, fight,fight!”

She also urged ralliers to call her if utilities or transmission companies come on to their land and threat them with the use of eminent domain.