Kansas farm groups want tax credit to sell more ethanol

Rep. Ken Rahjes, an Agra Republican and chairman of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, asked House colleagues to embrace a $5 million annual income tax incentive to increase availability of E15 made with corn and sorghum byproducts. In a House committee hearing on the bill, soybean and biodiesel interests asked for a comparable five-year tax incentive. (Kansas Reflector screen capture from Legislature's YouTube channel)


Kansas farm groups joined forces with energy companies this week in asking the legislature to support a $5 million annual state tax credit to encourage relucant gas station operators to sell more ethanol made from Kansas-grown crops.

They see it as a move to incentivize the operators to expand distribution of E15 fuel. According to the Kansas Reflector, only 150 of the 2,000 refueling stations in Kansas offer products containing 15% ethanol and 85% unleaded gasoline.

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