Take a gander at the map showing consecutive hours of below freezing temperatures in the state.
Oklahoma Climatologist Gary McManus pointed out in his morning update that Slapout, the small community in the Panhandle leads the way with 106 consecutive hours.
“Above freezing approacheth, and we’re already an astounding (ASTOUNDING I say!) 44 degrees warmer right now (“now” is now “then,” but we’ve covered that before) than at this time yesterday.”
He also expressed his disgust at Mother Nature for dumping more snow on Babbie, Alabama than has fallen over most of Oklahoma.
“How can Babbie, Alabama, have 11 inches of snow on the ground this morning and Bugtussle, Oklahoma, can have zero? It ain’t fair, I tell ya! In fact (fiction, too), that one snowstorm that snowed Dixie in gives much of that area more snowfall for the season thus far than much of OUR area.”