More than 1,100 abandoned oil and gas well sites in Oklahoma were cleaned up in the past year through the efforts of the oil and gas industry, according to the 2024 annual report of the Oklahoma Energy Resources Board.
The report showed 1,113 sites were restored through contributions of the fossil fuel industry and at a cost of $11,894,393. The OERB indicated that since its start of removal of orphaned or abandoned wells, it has cleaned 20,755 well sites and a cost of $163 million.
The OERB is funded voluntarily by Oklahoma’s oil and natural gas producers and royalty owners. It not only conducts the environmental restoration of orphaned and abandoned well sites, but promotes energy education.
During the 2024 fiscal year, the OERB reported it reached out and assisted 1,174 teachers and spent $2,598,975 on them and their classroom efforts. Since the OERB started its education outreach and workshops, it has trained 18,650 teachers on energy efforts and spent a total of $61 million.