The Southwest Power Pool, the electric grid comprised of Oklahoma and 13 other states, is already at work in preparation for last week’s FERC order to expand the country’s power grid.
Under FERC Order 1920, the 1,300-page regulation lays out how the U.S. power grid is planned and also funded. It also applies to the nation’s regional grid operators, one of whom is the SPP. Those grids provide electricity for nearly two-thirds of the U.S. population.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission also wants the power grid operators to create plans that will comply with the order and submit them for review by the spring of 2025.
The SPP is among several regional grid operators who began working on the transmission planning processes after FERC started two years ago laying the foundation for its reforms.
The regional grid operator, based in Little Rock, Arkansas has been preparing a consolidated planning process.
The Southwest Power Pool site described it this way:
The Consolidated Planning Process Task Force (CPPTF) leads the design and development of the consolidated planning process and associated cost-sharing mechanisms (CPP) pursuant to the related policies recommended by the Strategic and Creative Re-engineering of Integrated Planning Team (SCRIPT) and approved by the SPP Board of Directors. The CPPTF is responsible for coordinating with and receiving input from the affected Organizational Groups, advisory groups, and user forums in the development of the CPP design, development, and implementation plans.
The SPP has several more meetings planned in the coming months to continue work on meeting the FERC requirements.
September 12, 2024 8:00AM – 12:00PM