OGE helps dedicate solar panel for Norman school


Oklahoma Gas & Electric (OG&E) and Irving Middle School in Norman Public Schools District recently held a ribbon cutting ceremony in celebration of the school’s new, onsite solar panel installation and outdoor classroom. Designed in collaboration with Irving Middle School’s Students for Solar club and funded by the electric company, this pilot project helps power classrooms with clean, renewable energy and increases STEM learning opportunities for students.  

The ribbon cutting ceremony for the solar panel project was held at Irving on Wednesday, May 15. Students, teachers, representatives from OG&E and district leaders all gathered to celebrate the new solar installation that will serve as a model for future programs at other schools in the electric company’s service area. 

“All of us at OG&E are incredibly honored to play a role in energizing education through this innovative, first-of-its-kind project,” said Jessica King, OG&E senior manager of customer programs. “We look forward to seeing how Irving Middle School students use the solar garden to think about the role renewable energy can play in energizing the future.”  

Members of Students for Solar, a student group that advocates for solar energy, environmental conservation and increased STEM opportunities, worked closely with OG&E to brainstorm, research and design the solar panel system and outdoor garden. 

 “Having an installation like this at our school is truly a dream come true for our club,” said Addison Lewis, a student at Irving Middle School and Students for Solar club president. “Thank you to our teachers who helped us bring our dream to life. And thank you, OG&E, for funding this important project!” 

The solar panel installation at Irving Middle School is part of an ongoing research and development project at OG&E. Through this pilot program, OG&E will provide solar technology to three pre-selected schools in its service area to assess how solar power can benefit schools. Additionally, each installation will include initiatives that enhance student learning in STEM subjects and educate youth on energy-saving benefits and techniques. 

“This collaboration between OG&E and Irving Middle School serves as the perfect example for how companies and schools can work together to create impactful and innovative solutions that benefit all involved,” said Dr. Nick Migliorino, Norman Public Schools superintendent. “We’re grateful to OG&E for its generous donation that made this project possible and we’re proud of our students and teachers for their visionary work.” 

OG&E was the first electric company in the state to offer universal solar power to its customers, and it continues to lead the way when it comes to solar energy. Advocating for, designing and funding the solar panel installation at Irving Middle School is just one of many ways the company energizes sustainability and future generations across its service area.

Source: press release