An update on the more than $1 billion in funding for expansion of Oklahoma’s broadband system will be given this week at a meeting of the Oklahoma Broadband Expansion Council.
The council will meet Wednesday, April 17 at 10 a.m. in the conference room, suite 105 at the Harvey Parkway Building, 301 NW 63 in Oklahoma City.
The OBO, with oversight from the Broadband Governing Board and advice from the Broadband Expansion Council, creates and administers grant program funding to achieve Oklahoma’s aggressive broadband internet goal by June 2028. The State of Oklahoma is investing approximately $1.3 billion in state and federal funding for broadband infrastructure and accessibility.
The following is the agenda:
Call to Order, Welcome, and Determination of a Quorum
2. Compliance with Open Meeting Act
3. Public Instruction regarding Comments on Grant Processes
4. Opening Remarks by Chair
5. Status Report from Oklahoma Broadband Office
6. Planning Update and Possible Discussion on the American Rescue Plan Act – Capital Projects Fund
(“ARPA – CPF”), Digital Equity Act (“DEA”), and Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (“BEAD”)
7. Discussion and Possible Action on Committee Reports
a. Geographic Areas committee report
b. Service Sustainability committee report
c. Universal Service committee report
8. Next Meeting, Closing Remarks, and Announcements
9. Adjournment