Public comments wanted for Oklahoma’s Transportation Improvement Program


Got an idea to improve transportation in Oklahoma?

The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is looking for public input on the state’s transportation priorities for the next four years. The agency is currently seeking public comment on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program for federal fiscal years 2024 through 2027.

The STIP is a planning document required by federal guidelines to detail a list of regionally significant construction projects anticipated for the next four federal fiscal years. Oklahoma currently plans highway projects through its Eight-year Construction Work Plan, which is based on projected federal and state funding for transportation.

The STIP includes the first four years of highway projects in ODOT’s Eight-year Plan and federally funded projects by the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments representing the Oklahoma City area, the Tulsa area’s Indian Nations Council of Governments, the Lawton Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Chisolm Trail MPO and the Frontier Metropolitan Planning Organization in the Fort Smith, Ark. area. Also included are transportation projects planned by tribal governments and public transit providers using federal funds.

The full proposed FFY 2024-2027 STIP can be viewed here or online at by clicking the Programs and Projects tab and then clicking Transportation Programs.

Comments may be made via email to or in writing to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Programs Division, 200 NE 21st St., Oklahoma City, OK, 73105. Comments will be taken through April 4, 2024.

Substantive comments will be addressed and will be incorporated into the final document that will be forwarded to the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration for final approval.