Federal judge admonishes Corps of Engineers over 2016 Dakota Access pipeline protests

Dakota Access pipeline protesters burn structures as camp ends


Remember those encampments by Indian and environmental protesters at the Dakota Access Pipeline 8 years ago?

They shouldn’t have been allowed, ruled a federal judge as the state of North Dakota rested its case in its lawsuit to recover $38 million in law enforcement costs.

U.S. .District Court Judge Dan Traynor said at a hearing in Bismarck, admonished the Army Corps of Engineers for allowing the protesters to camp on Corps land without a permit. He said it could have prevented North Dakota suffering significant costs had the regulations been properly followed.

“Permits are required for a reason,” he quipped, reported South Dakota Searchlight.

The judge’s comments came at the end of a three-week bench trial in which North Dakota charged the federal government not only with held necessary assistance from the state but acted to encourage some of the protesters.

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