Oklahoma Corporation Commissioners will hold a special meeting Thursday at 10 a.m. to handle more rulemaking for some of its divisions.
But it will also consider an unopposed settlement agreement posed by the Attorney General’s Office regarding a request by Arkansas Oklahoma Gas or AOG.
AOG has proposed a $690,000 plan to retain its customers through three efforts, a Service Line Replacement Program, an Oklahoma Weatherization Program and an Equipment Rebate Program. The program would cover 2024 through 2026 and have a projected customer bill impact of $1.80 a month for residential customers.
AOG leaders testified the increase in incentive amounts is sought to help customers offset thei ncrease in equipment costs due to inflation. They claim that by keeping the incentive amount the same in both Arkansas and Oklahoma, the company can minimize administration costs.
“AOG believes that increased incentive amounts will maximum the opportunity for customers to participate and reduce their energy bills,” testified William Gentry, Manager of Energy Efficiency-Regulatory Finance at AOG.