Sunny skies, warmer weather this week

Sunny skies | Weather |


Like that sunshine? It promises to be a sunny and yes, warm week across much of Oklahoma with some temperatures reaching 65 degrees or more.

Oklahoma Climatologist Gary McManus says enjoy it while you can….because….yes, there’s always a “because.”

“We should see a mild cold front for the weekend with an increased chance of rain.”
At least it won’t be the kind of cold front the state experienced earlier in January.
Pretty nice, right?
“We’ll be well into February by then. February, along with August often thought of as the Monday of months in Oklahoma. Nobody really enjoys it, which is why we get 29 days of it this year. It can get cold. REALLY cold (2011, 2021, 2031?). But I don’t see any hint of that just yet, so why worry about it?,” added McManus in his Monday Oklahoma Mesonet newsletter.