Consumers voice opposition to OGE’s latest rate hike request


The fight against Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company’s request for a nearly 14% rate hike this year is underway as consumers have already filed their protests with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.

The protests and objections started within days after OG&E filed the request in late December.

You need to stop OG& E’s rate increase proposal. That is ridiculous to raise rates $19 a month. This is going to hurt
many Oklahoma’s. They just had a rate increase earlier this year. This seems like greed,” wrote one ratepayer in a filing with the Corporation Commission.

A Piedmont woman asked regulators to vote against the $332 million rate hike request.

I have watched my electric bill experience huge increases in
the last year. The company continues to make millions of dollars every year and they need to reinvest their own funds to better their business. They should be working within their budget instead of constantly increasing my bill. They need to be self sufficient like other companies without getting these
bailouts,” declared Kari Johnson.

Still another wrote, “You people have raised rates over and over. Our rates are not competitive but you have no competition so you
just keep raising rates. You dont need more money, you need an independent audit. im assuming you really want to raise rates to cover your executive bonuses, i have no confidence you are doing this to improve the grid.”

Still another objected, “Disappointed that another price hike would even be considered. Families and seniors alike are
struggling to pay bills already. With all the cost of living hikes and no pay raises how do you expect people to continue to survive.”

One other ratepayer complained, “OG&E is planning ANOTHER rate increase? I have received ZERO increased benefit from any rate increases. FIVE or more increases in a year? When is OCC going to protect the consumers?”

The AARP Oklahoma group is also fighting the request as state director Sean Volskuhl 2024 is not a happy new year for OG&E customers.

“On the heels of back-to-back-to-back rate hikes, OG& E is again back at the trough,” he told the Oklahoma Voice.

Commissioners will begin what is likely the first of more hearings Wedneday into the utility’s request. It will come during a 1:30 p.m. meeting.